Thursday, December 16, 2010

Typography Slideshow...

For this project in my media arts class we had to use typography into our photos and edit them with Louis Jenkins and Connie Waneck Poems. My photos I still tried to relate it to my photographer Stephen Shore, I stlye of streetcars and more moderned colored photography. Most of my photos are colored and have a theme to it, using the typography.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. (: Surprised? Interesting story. >____< But hey, I like the pictures you took. (: Very 'random' but with a message in each one. They say a picture paints a thousand words and you expressed what these mean to you. (: Inspiring. I especially like the picture you took of Cathy walking outside. ;P She looks so SERIOUS and kind of GRUMPY looking. (: I totally adore her hat. Haha. ^____^ --the account i am using was made long ago. As you can see I only have one post and it was from August of 2009. More than a year ago. Anywho, just wanted to leave a comment. (:
